Tom's Teas

Tom's Teas

Inspired by my daughters, Tom's Teas were created out of a desire to provide dessert inspired and delicious quality fruit tea blends for children that contain no caffeine, no added sugar or sweeteners and can be enjoyed hot or cold.

"They taste as good as they smell!"

Children's lives can be busy moving from one activity to the next but taking the time to enjoy their Tom's Tea, to feel warm and calm with a comforting Cherry Pie fruit tea or cool and refreshed with a zingy Tropical Twist fruit tea, aims to support children in healthy living and an overall sense of well-being that will hopefully continue into adulthood.

Our Story

I created Tom’s Teas to provide children with a healthy, alternative and versatile drinks choice. Our quality blends of dessert inspired fruit infusions contain no caffeine, no added sugar or sweeteners and can be enjoyed hot or cold.

The story of Tom’s Teas is told through Tom (a cat in a top hat!) and his 4 flavour friends. The Tom’s Teas gang encourage taking “Time out for me, time out for tea”, to take a moment out of a child’s busy day to enjoy their tea whether it be whilst spending time with family, reading a book, on a nature walk, after school, at bedtime…or even after a meltdown. If adults can do colouring in for mindfulness, why can’t children drink tea for theirs?!

We care about looking after others as well as ourselves and we are very happy to be supporting the Honeypot children's charity. This wonderful charity provides outreach support and respite breaks to young carers aged 5-12 years old, where
the safe and nurturing environment enhances their childhood experience. Our collaboration with Honeypot, being a finalist at the World Beverage Innovation Awards for Best Children's Drinks, seeing the fantastic reaction to Tom's Teas from parents and children certainly gave us a launch year of highlights!

Our Values

  • Small Producer

  • Family-run Business

    Family-run Business

  • Contribution to Charity

    Contribution to Charity

  • Support for Small Producers

    Support for Small Producers

  • Independent Company

    Independent Company

  • Social Enterprise

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