The Real Cure

The Real Cure

Based on the family farm, The Real Cure produces multi-award winning British charcuterie.

Our Story

Started by James in 2014, The Real Cure uses traditional techniques including curing, smoking and air drying to create an exceptional range of salami, chorizo and air dried hams. They are passionate about using high welfare and native breed animals, and so ensure everything they use is responsibly sourced. This means wild deer, free range heritage breed pork and the best quality locally sourced ingredients.

The Real Cure has received multiple awards for their range including 12 Great Taste Awards. The Real Cure is proud to supply many prestigious retailers and restaurants.

Our Values

  • Working Farm

  • Independent Company

    Independent Company

  • Support for Small Producers

    Support for Small Producers

  • Family-run Business

    Family-run Business

  • Small Producer

Merchant products